About me

Dr. Eleftheria Egel

Who I am.


I am a visionary change agent.

My vision is to inspire and support positive transformative change in the way we interact. To enable that, I work on breaking down conventional barriers (assumptions); promoting new ways of thinking (holistic attributes such as compassion); and expanding the boundaries (sense-giving) of what is possible (sense-making) in our personal understanding and socio-organisational setting.

My beliefs and values.

  1. We need to cultivate our understanding of the nature of perception. We are not experiencing the world “as it is” but “as we are”.

  2. Knowledge is potential power. It arises when it is accompanied by ethical responsibility and moral courage to act.

  3. Unity underlies diversity. Let us not get caught up with the difference of the feather and ignore the similarity of the bird.

  4. Community is built when we are open to share with others what gives us meaning and a sense of belonging and what matters to us.

Individual thought is mostly the result of collective thought and of interaction with other people.The language is entirely collective, and most of the thoughts in it are.

David Bohm, On Dialogue

Join the discussion.

We all have sorts of assumptions. About who we are, about what we think we should do, or how we should tackle our important collective problems. Let’s listen and learn from each other.

„ I cannot exist by myself. I exist only in relationship because all life is relationship.“

– Jiddu Krishnamurti